Sunday, September 17, 2006

shows 50 and 51

Thursday sept 14 stockholm debaser medis
A loooong drive from oslo to Stockholm and we are straight into the bowels of a new club. Kristoffer, who did lights with the caesars, is the house light guy, and go figure, adam, the Viking guitar tech also stops by. Droadie and I get to have a few laughs with those guys before getting back to the task at hand. We are all sequestered into the corner of some production office, with frederik who used to tm the hives taking care of us. Great venue and a chamber of commerce type of day, though I see none of it. (this is a growing concern, I am locked into everywhere at all times. Kinda sucks). Show goes off brilliantly, get to hang with a couple of the luger guys, they all disappear to some after party or another , and then the rest of us get completely scoobied on the bus with all of the red wine, before the trailer breaks down 10 minutes outside of Stockholm. We awake in a garage, déjà vu all over again.
Friday sept 15 off busitis scandihouliga
Broken trailer, killing the kids at a suburban Stockholm pool, kicked out of a high school girls soccer practice in my pj/s, back on the bus to this horrendous Michael Jordan biography, lots of cheese with that, blue velvet on the veejit machine, more napping, the bus to and bridge to denmark, hot chip at the vega(hey ian, great to see ya man)-they were pretty cool, accusations of who did what to whom and how come what fore and why, which prompts me to send some investigatory emails. We hotfoot it to the ferry with the double driver , only 1 person wakes up and freaks out, and we are in germany.
Saturday sept 16 rotterdam now and wow
In a huge factory on the maashaven, this place is enormous, cavernous and the rest. We are an hour late but marijke and her crew take care of business in a big way. It is like the old silo squat in Amsterdam down here, but with state of the art production. The goes on beautifully, peach gets to hook up with css and some other friends, and I gets tosay hey to the liars and paul drake, their tm. Finally get around town looking for some photo ops. Later the girls play a killer 1 hour show, do some impromptu press, have a harbor party and we drive to koln.


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