Tuesday, November 17, 2020

plowed buoys

Woven into the tapestry of contemporary life is 400 years of endemic racism on full display on the streets of Washington , DC on saturday. The wurst and the whitest wilding away like a gaggle of gacked out and drunken teenagers on $5 carload night at the local drive in. Fuck or fight with no fucking in sight. Boogalosers. The dumb and the feckless. Call em what you will, they are everywhere. Of course, there were no open carry issues that I could see in the shared videos on the socials, just the low hanging fruit of the hangry white male marauding their way moronically through the streets of the nation’s capital, violently engaging with whomever they choose. To be fair, I was not on the ground, and it certainly seemed as if my side of the aisle were by no means blameless, but the goobers gone wild were like seagulls on a sandwich anytime they could isolate individuals. Gut in , gut out. The neck beardos run amok. And the police, welp- didn’t seem to be as .. interested in wilding on the white boys , as much as we have grown accustomed to seeing- no tactical gear, no water cannons, no tear- just random arrests of teenagers. But what do I know, I wasn’t there. These are my opinions based on a legion of shared videos on social media platforms and eyewitness accounts, and the very well documented recent history of blue by day white by night shite> whilst the future ex teletubby twaddles away from the safety of his golf cart stoking the unrest, the left should not take the bait , but if they do, they need to accept the consequences. People are going to get hurt and die- ignorance and fear, the currency of autocracy. I commend the kids for defending their communities- the young, local and masked up, with an element of black bloc, it seemed- versus the wurst and the whitest, the violent and maskless- a legion of hied up and hateful step dads and dodgy uncles come to the big city to wave their racist freak flags. Their mission statement simple- ‘we are ignorant white , male and scared, we are the witless women who love them, we are scripted soundbites and bilious bs, we hate you, any and all of you, from our $50,000 pick up trucks. We are rats on sinking ships fighting over the last pieces of cheese. We are puppets in our actions and ideals , whilst the machine pulls our strings. We are frightened feckless eejits, and we are everywhere’


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