Tuesday, January 12, 2021

bog standard

this is exactly who we are. We are racist and classist. We are elitist and fascist. We are delusional and in the past. We are more than two Americas and there are good bits too. We are drunk , fat , and stiupid. We are educated, toned , and sober. We are 330 million drugged individuals. We are a disgraceful collection of fear and the fear mongers that feed it. We are fucking idiots in fast fashion forced fed fast food in flyoverville. We are coastal and or urban elite bespoke and woke , choking on artisanal this and free range that. There are minimal social safety nets and tattered social fabrics. We bring our hateful parents and spiteful kids to the insurrection. We leave our dying parents and crying kids on a sofa with their screen of choice whilst we live our best lives and tell our worst lies. We blow the hindenburg’s worth of hot air on our scripted unoriginal thought and scribble a finnegans wake worth of shite and slaughtered syntax on the socials on the regular. We are legion and we are dying a slow and violent death, collectively and in public. In that we are America, in everything else , we are broken and lost.


Blogger Ivan said...

Excellent, as always!

10:26 AM  

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