Tuesday, January 26, 2021

whine some more, junior

Ebay creeps and their ill mannered duplicitous discourse is where im at this morning. These eejits do not police their platform by any stretch of the imagination and it is left to the community to police itself. Pigs is pigs and the pigs reign supreme. I should’ve known better. 15 emails of whining after a rude and low ball offer with more half assed caveats than the treaty of Versailles. But unlike that treaty, these caveats only benefitted the ill temptered lying buyer , rather than the people of Versailles or my paypal account.. all of this hoopla and spite for the opportunity to make $5 and get covid from the creepy polish chemist and the OANN sountrack, not to mention some sad ass surburban scammer. I love these half assed americans and their false sense of entitlement. I wanna go to taco bell with my whiny buyer and watch him anglefor a free seven layer burrito and sneak a 3rd refill of mountain dew. I wanna rewind the tapes of last week and not sell. I wanna never ebay again .


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