Sunday, November 22, 2020

Coke eyed junior

“dammit”, he yells, chopping up some more cheap Charlie off the ivory tusk on the dining room table – ‘only an ounce left’ , he announces to no one in particular. He leans down and blasts off, and takes in the bank of video monitors broadcasting everything from the lame stream media, to wildlife cameras outside to feeds from all of the bedrooms and bathrooms. “where’s the announce, it’s fucking Friday, time for the dump”. The announcement is that this disheveled dipshit cokey robber baron has tested positive for the corona virus, and he’s holed up in his cabin in the middle of god knows where. This joint is creepy , a mausoleum to murdered mammals and emasculated manhood. He wonders where is secret service stooge is, though he makes them sleep outside in his underground panic room. He has just seen his mistress , shillelagh Macarena, on the news owning that libtard Collins cunt from cnn. ‘I don’t answer to activists’ she says snidely before leaving the podium. That ear piece she wears is unseable. Alex jones’ tech team is sharp. He is pumped. “yeah shillelagh, I can’t wait to blast the fake flu all over you’ haha, but first more, i need some inspo before taunting the libs on twitter’ he says to no one in particular. ‘FUCK ALL THESE LIBS, FOUR MORE YEARS OF MY DADDY AND THEN 8 YEARS OF ME. HAHAHA. HOW THE FUCK DID I GET THE FUCKING KUNG FLU ANYWAY. MUSTA BEEN KIM, THAT DIRTY SUPERSPREADER. I CANT BELIEVE I LET HER BLOW CARSON. BUT FUCK IT. BUT FUCK IT? BUTT FUCK IT. HAHAH- HEY ALEXA REMIND ME TO BUTT FUCK HER THE NEXT TIME I SEE HER FOR GIVING ME THE KUNG FLU. HAHAH REVENGE IS SWEET, BABY. Snoooooort He lines up some more racket, ‘THIN BLUE LINES, BLACK LINES MATTER. HAHA, UNLESS THEY GIVE YOU COVID THAT FUCKING DIRTY DICKED DOOOFUS. HAHA DO IT FOR VAN JONES BABY….sniiiffff. THOSE MICHIGAN MOTHER FUCKERS BETTER DO THE RIGHT THING FOR DADDY. OTHERWISE WE ARE GONNA SIC THOSE BOOGALOSERS OR THAT PATSY TEENAGER LOOSE ON THOSE TWO LIBTARD LEZZERS UP THERE. GROSSE POINT BITCHES. HAHA. GOD BLESS AMERICA, GOD BLESS MY DADDY. GOD BLESS THIS PHARMASUICDAL GRADE GACK FRESH FROM THE DIPLOMATIC BAG THAT BILLY BOY TRADED FOR THAT FUCKING MEXICAN IN BROOKLYN’. He taps his nose a tad and focuses on the task at hand, the swastika shaped lines in front of him. He wonders if he should call shillelagh and face line together. SNOOOOORT, a big one, eyes watering. He looks up at CNN reporting that he has tested positive for the corona virus. ‘nothing like a Friday night news dump to take the pressure off the fucking ghouliani. These media pricks will eat shit out of a diaper if ya call it pudding, and feed it to the fucking people and call it steak. Haha. HEY ALEXA CALL PAPAJOHNS, he bellows, swigging from the luke warm can of coors light. HEY FUCK HEAD, WHERES MY PIZZA? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I AM THE FUTURE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD. WELL FREE FOR ME AT LEAST. WHERE IS THAT ACCENT FROM. HAHA. WHAT’S THAT? I CANT UNDERSTAND? I CANT STAND I STAND? LET ME SPEAK TO THE MANAGER, IN THE MEANTIME , GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM AND BRING ME MY FUCKING MEAT LOVERS AND 2 QUARTS OF DOCTOR PEPPER AND WHATEVER THOSE FUCKING ASSHOLES IN AVIATORS WANT LISTENING IN.” he hiccups and takes a long pull of the silver bullet and runs his finger along the tusk, swiping up residue from the last gram and rubbing it in his gums. “this is some pharmasuicidal grade shit’, he mutter. The phone rings, ‘shillelagh baby, what, the guardian wants a quote? What’s the guardian, your underpants? Haha . chill, huh, a libtard English paper? Is England still a country? You what? You want me to invade your country? Haha, I will babe, with a full ponzi division. Haahahaha, TELL THEM…….ER, I WILL BE CLEANING MY GUNS. NO GUNS, I JUST CLEANED MY GUMS WITH SOME SERIOUS PHARMASUICIDAL GRADE STUFF. YEP, THE DIPLOMATIC BAG. HAHA GO BILLY BOY. Snoooooort. What, you wanna clean my gun? I am gonna put my glock in your holster and pull the trigger til it goes click. YEAH. Snooort ‘Whats my dad saying, he hasn’t tweeted anything yet , and wont answer my calls or texts. He’s in the bunker? When can you come here? Tell my dad to send a helicopter for you. Wait , the doorbells is ringing, I gotta go” he rings off WHO IS IT? IVE GOT COVID, STAND THE FUCK BACK I AM ARMED. WHERE IS MY SECURITY. HEY ALEXA, FIRE MY SECURITY DETAIL AND GET ME IVANKA’S. He opens the door, and there are straw effigies of each member of his family strung up in the trees, including that trampsylvanian stepford mother and the half wit teenager. “That kid looks more and more like fucking Epstein every time I see him” he grunts. They are all decked out in orange jumpsuits and’ I love new york hats’. “ALEXA WHERE IS THE FUCKING SECURITY DETAIL?” HE screams to the November night. There is the papa johns at least. There is a note on the pizza box written in sharpie. It reads -I am from Kenya you inbred underread gacked out white supremacist super spreading coke monkey beardo. Can you understand me now? “Fuuck, Kenya, I knew that pizza making motherfucker sounded like mitch, this has his black hands all over it. And they


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