Friday, November 20, 2020

the golden stream

fly headed fuck faced fuck knuckle closet cases bidding for orange skinned straw haired elephantine tub of goo whilst goobers grab guns and dress post Halloween cosplay claiming poverty in 50k usd pick up trucks and mail order tactical gear flag waving flags of fallen despots and forgotten republics TWEET ON TWITLER you steaming pile of excrement wave those flags you look like heroes of the sandwich variety and yet fellow republicunt’s knuckle draggers dragging their feet to the podium to raise their black hands meekly in protest 2 at a time whilst the rest of them sit idly by or even support the current crop of coup cuck clan cunts plan need to be reminded that on the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Nuremberg trials these ding dongs should dangle in no uncertain terms the germs have infected the body politic and the goobers cry FOUL CAINT BE NO WAY FAKE NEWS SMALL CROWDS FUCK THE MEDIA LOCK THEM UP LOOK AT THE LAP TOP BIDEN CRIME FAMILY SHE/S PROBLY NOT BORN HERE HUGO CHAVEZ COVID’S FAKE MY RIGHTS SOCIALISM HAS TOO MANY SYLLABLES SO IT SUCKS LIBTARD CUCKS and great googly moogly how did we get here don’t answer and no I don’t want to get along with climate denying pocket lining gay hating kid caging carpet bagging knuckledragging election stealing pig squealing gun toting conspiracy floating black faced closet case pseudo religious pandering illegal gerrymandering thin skinned no lipped turkey necked disconnected creepers- glock em up not lock em up, we don/t have the space-let the ding dongs dangle let the general goobers grovel let the uber goobers glock themselves up a la bud on the senate floor for cspan and also rans to view and spew gas passing pussy grabbing twitler can go fuck himself and his kids on an OAN feed to his flock of seagulls cowed loud and proud Americano contestants of SURVIVOR DEMOCRACY and the cracker crust can continue to fail upwards and onwards as their constituents die horribly broke and alone MAGA


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