Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Two hander

Can my fellow neighbors on the left of the aisle chill the fuck out for a minute? Rome wasn’t built in a day, and Orange Julius didn’t burn it to the ground on the way down like now. There’s a million things I’d love nothing more to see than the ding dongs dangling and some government loot to see us through this shite, but the hand wringing and mud slinging already poisoning the well of hope are enough to make me wanna puke. The left continue to eat them selves, they always do. And ya know , anyone arrested right now will be pardoned before January- likely in a late night Christmas news dump, and anyone arrested post inauguration will be spun as purely political. They should al l be eating baloney wrapped dick sandwiches, but calmate’. Due process and false hope. Expect congressional gridlock and back channel head scratchers above your standing desk jockeys pay grade. Watch a movie, read a book, listen to a record tune out the noise,eat the rainbow , hug your spirit animal, if only for a day. It’s politics, it sucks. It took Obama nearly a year just to get the ACA passed. We just really have not had much politicking beyond the partisan polemical variety for a while. And that’s provided the carpet baggers leave without taking the light fixtures with them. Imagine the mess in the Lincoln bedroom after 75 days of OAN, cocaine and chick fil a. Remember that none of these creepers care about their legacies since they are raking in the Benjamin’s and drinking in the power punch. Turkey neck McConnell and his reptile handler broad are richer than god, that graham cracker doesn’t care about shit so long as his offshore accounts are current and he can dream about being the lockerroom attendant for the Clemson football team, Rubio and cruz can spin their false narratives about being an NBA point guard or the singer of the dead kennedys til the cows come home(or in their face), the ding dong family have skimmed and scammed enough to keep em in Cheap Charlie and cheaper suits til the next grift comes along, all the low level schmoes have probably taken the bidding bribes and think that if half those chuckleheads in the inner circle can get a job there’s always room on the broom for another no rent race baiter, Miller got a wife out of the deal- more than even his mom could’ve imagined, pompeos eating bacon sandwich on the westbank and picking up Bibi’s bodyguards for a proper end around the Geneva convention, Barr has signed a deal to be Roseanne’s stunt double at the circus circus buffet line. It’s just plain pokey . Mnuchin has flipped the spelling of his last name and is set to reinvent himself as a salty white turd like snack, the vp can finally cash in his chits and take his talents to south bend and buy himself some two way mirrors and a cross fit gym, and wee shillelagh Macarena has proven herself such an adept shite spewer she’s been hired as a 3 prong outlet in some South Dakota frack shack . The whole damn lot of em can take the covid cruise from the White House to the shite house and not a moment too soon. I can’t sleep, my teeth hurt, and I’m tired.


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