Monday, November 23, 2020

letter to the creditor

dear ding dong, to the diaper don , this letter goes out to you and your cracker spawn. i/d like to thank you for the last 4 years of race baiting , denial, and stoking the goobers fears, you are a true hero, a goose egg, a zero. It/s hard to wait to see how it ends- desperate and alone in your soiled depends. There is no suffering for your great enough to live your life , daughter free sans mulligans in the rough. For the mail order bride, we wish a one way ride to trampsylania or tuberville to soak in her megalomania in a single wide trailer somewhere in gooberville. For coke eyed junior and his superspreading broad-stop spoiling the child and break out the rod and beat those two into submission , wrap em in their confederate flag and take em shark fishing For the other brother cut off his thumbs and feed him full of the news, film the live tweet until he crums or hits a hundred views To the rake of kids whose names I cannot remember , eat shit in an orange jumpsuit from January til December And lastly but not leastly. We focus on dissing the lipless, the Bedford couple locked up and locked down in their respective ballgowns on christmas


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