Sunday, November 29, 2020

excerpt from interview

Q- what/s the most difficult part of the touring and events industry going tits up in march 2020? Answer-financial ruin , lack of air miles, and the lack of togetherness Q- What/s the best part of the touring and events industry going tits up in march of 2020? Answer- welp, it/s been nearly 9 months of a self important roadie free life. All of the delusions of grandeur can kick back on social media with the rest of the race baiting , follower following, syntax mangling, flag waving wankers and go right out the window with the last vestiges of original thought. 9 months of not being lost in a submarine or turtling on the turnpike or a methville walmart parking lot. 9 months of no walmart. 9 months of no banding so close to me. 9 months of no cold cuts, star bucks or baby carrots. 9 months of no throwing garbage in the recycling or or recycling in the garbage. 9 months free of tsa officers audtions for jobs in correctional institutions from airport security platforms. 9 months of no one else’s ass except for the gluten free Czech or Slovakian escort that doesn’t quite understand the concept of donuts. Dang, this all sounds like paradise. Q- um , okay, anything else to add? Answer- sure , you got 20 bucks, life ain’t free.

Friday, November 27, 2020

slack friday

‘Our dog fights wolves and bears’, she boasted for all and sundry at the post thanksgiving dog run debates. ‘ I wanna yell, are you on Tinder? Asking for a friend’, but I am afraid of the answer> I wanna look back at which lululemon clad trustafarian house bound hepford wife is belching our such absurdities. I wanna yell, “baby, that 4 legged hairy dick magnet that you drag around couldn’t fuck up the post man if he was one legged , drunk, and wrapped in bacon’, but instead I dip my head and cock my ears and wonder what other blusterous banalities I can absorb this morning. Momentarily flummoxed, I continue to question the sagacity of a double chicken salad sandwich on toasted martins potato roll breakfast. I wonder of the hepford wive’s designer dog would fight me for a chicken salad sandwich. More importantly, I wonder if the hepford wife eats artisanal chicken salad out of a dog bowl , bound, in a French maid’s uniform whilst I fashion those form fitting yoga pants into some form of post prandial PPE. I wonder if she likes cupcakes. But I can/t look back . I don/t wanna know who did what to whom and what a drag it is that the wifi cut out in the middle of watching THE CROWN. I wonder what kind of weirdos watch videos of child birth, but then I realize, Williamsburg, go figure. I take my last gulp of the delicious first call iced Americano. I wonder what the Mexican woman at the Laundromat ate for Thanksgiving. I laugh about what a great neighborhood we live in that people gather masked en masse on a beautiful autumnal morning and have canine pissing contests, perfect practice for their futures of competitive parenting. I wonder if the hepford wife speaks Spanish and likes to read Neruda aloud in bed in an old tom petty tshirt.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

giving thanks

My lips are bleeding and I don/t know why. I wonder where my covid tests are but as I am not today interacting with anyone other than a barista from 6 feet away, I don/t care. I like the fact that I slept until 530am , and hate the fact that I didn’t jump up immediately to exercise. I fantasize about a bacon cheeseburger for breakfast but eat muesli instead. I am thankful that I do not live in a food desert and that my son is a hugger. I wonder why the recycling and garbage were not collected yesterday and it bums me out. I think about long ago European November mornings in train stations of waking up cold with a boot gently nudging you from a prone position to urge you out before the white collar commuters arrive. I think about the milky coffee and strong cigarette that will soon follow. I am unsettled and uninspired by everything that I pick up to read and soon put down to pick up another and I am thankful that I have the resources and interest to do that. I think about my parents and remaining family 3000 miles away beginning their day with those that they have at hand, and this morning , I am thankful for that. I look at the dishes in the sink and surmise that they are not going to wash themselves. The rain has abated, and with it the music of rain on aluminum awnings that soothing sound now replaced by oversized vehicles driven by leadfoot ignoramuses with horn fetishes. i am thankful for the dodgers and the lakers . I try to remember the name of the girl in college, whose father invented the sound of the back up device on the forklift in front of my house right now,that gave us her Volvo to drive to mexico for easter in 1987. After a lovely cup of pg tips, my lips are no longer bleeding and I don/t know why , and I am thankful for that. i head out in the rain to see a man about a cat, and i wonder if the donut shop on montrose will be open- the guilty pleasures in life, the been there dun well. to the boston creams and almandine, i am definitely thankful for that.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

coup 'ku

 i dreamt of you for

the first time in so long that 

i forgot your name

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

donny's in the basement

Typical. That corpulent cunt casting himself down here as some lazy boy lothario lying around down here like a bleached whale whining of the state of his union. Epstein is not around and Maxwell is in stir. Where/s his pubescent pussy” the bleached whale wails, blowing out the last remanants of his relevance to the mildly curious throngs gathered on the digital beach, hoping for someone anyone everyone to stand up and stand tall help their hero from his putrid predicament. Yet, the only thing his legions offer are screen shots of his more mocking missives to be framed for friends and family this festive season. A blind remembrance of the last great days of their Amerikkka , courtesy of the local piggly wiggly. No, this pasty tub of goo does not seem particularly strong or manly, as the ghost writers and gack dealers trip over themselves for a piece of the turdy pie. He is tired and alone down here in the iron walled panic room. The only regular visitors now are Herschel walker and the pillow guy. Hell hath no fury like a bleach boy scorned. It would be nice if he were to spare the décor is regularly scheduled flailings with the failing swing of a five iron, though. There is very little left of the previous presidents mementos shared for the long term future. He has managed to decimate all vestiges of his predecessors reign- the dewey defeats Truman painting, the ‘I like ike’ tina turner nude, the jfk life sized donut from the berlin wall, lbj’s ‘don’t mess with texas’ Kevlar vest and dallas cowboys throne, nixon’s life sized cardboard rendition of he and elvis, Gerald ford’s Michigan wolverine protective gear and framed photo of squeaky fromme, the ‘billy beer’ neon sign, Reagans lego berlin wall, George hw bush portrait of he and another aviator looking very chummy in ww2, Clintons very large labeled cigar collection, geo juniors baseball cards- but he can/t do anything about this 20’x10’ Obama portrait that is resistant to the 5 iron or the blow torch or the countless dr pepper bottles- as I watch, he reaches into the pocket of his soiled khaki’s and pulls out a 4 seasons total landscaping sharpie and writes ‘looser’ underneath 44’s jordans, and stalks away screamin ‘MIKEY BETTER BREAK OUT YOUR PARDON PEN, ONE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY, EXCEPT FOR THAT NIECE OF MINE, AND MY SISTER THE FAKE SISTER.’ I don’t want to tell him that those vents lead to Lafayette park and even with a bullhorn , his dying demands don’t make it 10 feet, or that the two mikes have both been arrested in a maryland motel with two male prostitutes , a suitcase full of shekels,and 4 british passports in their real names. “ILL BE BACK IN 2024- HEY YOU- GET ME MY WHITE SECRET SERVICE GUY’- he screams in my direction. I have no idea what he is talking about. I am his secret service guy. His mind is more in the mud than usual, and we just keep hoping that he gets hold of junior and does one for Bud. There are surveillance cameras everywhere down here. One of his loyal little minions is sure to make a killing when the shit finally hits the fan. I haven’t seen since feckless and unbridled rage since Bannon was busted in his build the wall scam. Even the Russians wouldn’t buy those tapes, telling the seller that they already had footage of an elephant with eczema. But was it this particular elephant? The diaper don waddles away forgetting what he wanted in the first place- screaming at the golf on the tv now and wondering aloud if bolsonaro had sorted his safe house. ‘NO EXTRADITION BABY, THAT’S WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT’ There has been so much of this shite talk, that we/ve all blocked it out. All the short straws drawn on Monday night know that we/re off to South Florida, soon as someone fucks some sense into him. Word on the street is that he’s trying to get florida to secede and sign a no extradition treaty. Fine by me so long as they still have baseball. There’s even a rumor that we will take a fake Air force one and ‘disappear’ over the Bermuda triangle with a gaggle of plastic surgeons stationed somewhere in south florida for major reconstructive operations on the cretins in question rendering them unrecognizeable in witness protection. But how do they change that voice, that voice that will forever linger in the ears of billions – that tepid tone garbled syntax, Adderall and false bravado- that voice will carry on in the nightmares of a nation no matter how successful the operation.

Monday, November 23, 2020

letter to the creditor

dear ding dong, to the diaper don , this letter goes out to you and your cracker spawn. i/d like to thank you for the last 4 years of race baiting , denial, and stoking the goobers fears, you are a true hero, a goose egg, a zero. It/s hard to wait to see how it ends- desperate and alone in your soiled depends. There is no suffering for your great enough to live your life , daughter free sans mulligans in the rough. For the mail order bride, we wish a one way ride to trampsylania or tuberville to soak in her megalomania in a single wide trailer somewhere in gooberville. For coke eyed junior and his superspreading broad-stop spoiling the child and break out the rod and beat those two into submission , wrap em in their confederate flag and take em shark fishing For the other brother cut off his thumbs and feed him full of the news, film the live tweet until he crums or hits a hundred views To the rake of kids whose names I cannot remember , eat shit in an orange jumpsuit from January til December And lastly but not leastly. We focus on dissing the lipless, the Bedford couple locked up and locked down in their respective ballgowns on christmas

Sunday, November 22, 2020

on the ruin

Oct 9/2020 So it is 8 months, effectively, since the world as I know it, stopped. 8 months of confusion, and second guessing. 8 months of imagining and reimagining. 8 months of resume writing and cover letter neglecting. 8 months of coin rolling and big borrowing. 8 months of speed reading and poem writing and too much arithmetic. 8 months of hope and denial. 8 months of what ifs and what fors. 8 months of missed deadlines and broken promises. No Nuebaten in Hamburg. No Nick Cave in DC. No Dodgers in Miami . There have been no epiphanies , no big revelations or reinventions, only a sense of defeat and despair. Optimism has never been my strong suit, though I have bluffed my way through the years on a wing and a prayer, my moxie as my main motivator. I am a tour manager, and I am fucked. I have been doing this job for the better part of 30 years, I was made to do this job. Well traveled, numerate, resourceful, a coffee drinking dry drunk, generally an entertainer of entertainers. As snoop said, ‘a motherfucking hustler’. As flexible forgiving , steady, amenable, and resourceful professionally as I am clueless, useless, volatile and unforgiving personally. I have burned more bridges in my life than Tecumseh Sherman but still manage to get through it all . I have listened to a plethora of ‘pivot’ pitches from people for the last 5 months and were we in the same room together for the pep talk I would probably laugh in their faces at the tonedeaf manner in which I have been addressed. As fluid as I have been over the years, work wise, this is my career, this is what I do. Now, I was fortunate enough to be working for a mid range boutique indie rock management company for the last couple of years with eyes on broadening my scope, and transitioning away from the road with the capacity to still chase my short fall, which in hindsight, was astronomical at best. But it gave me a starting point, and after a year gave me some health insurance that guaranteed the best medical care that my local pill mill medical group and quackadoodle docs could provide. 3 misdiagnosis and actually no funding for any of the treatments recommended for the corrected diagnoses, but those are different stories altogether. I was out in los angeles in February prepping to tour with one of the mid range boutique indie rock management clients when the gravity of the eventual global health crisis began to rear its ominous head. I had been keeping up with the progress in wuhan via NPR and the new Yorker prior to that while at home in Brooklyn, but I was not deep diving, figuring it to be nothing more than more institutional American xenophobia. Sure , there were eastern European teenagers selling PPE outside a couple of local pharmacies in the cold, but we had seen it all before here., and the current administration had not exactly been the beacon of truth in any reportage for the previous 3 years, so what was it but more of the same anti chinese shite. In los angeles, the morning drive time local news was a flutter with corona virus stories- old folks homes, nail salons, flights from china. As I choked down the free breakfast at first call each day in the comfort inn breakfast room, the front page of the los angeles times was painting a far different picture than what my generally suspect self was imagining. Corona virus was decimating Italian towns and Iranian villages, and china was on lock down, yet the national narrative here was effectively nil still on those beautiful February mornings in highland park. The seattle area was already starting to see cases and hospitalizations. It was with all of this aswirl that we packed up and embarked upon what was to be 41 days on tour with MRBIRM client for a tour of my favorite kind of joints in America- a mixture of mom and pops and corporate run houses, for the most part the best of that size in each market. The bread and butter of the business both indie and otherwise(the kinds of places that are not going to be around on the other side of this). The types of places where the advance of the show was as social as a night in the pub, and there were several places that were new to me and important to visit as the director of touring for a MRBIRM company. Like all of these tours, I had circled my off days with some cool stuff to do- multiplex and steakhouse in medford/walking and talking with an old friend in boise/ record shopping in detroit/multiple multiplex missions-, invited a couple of people to most shows beyond los angeles. Figured out where breakfast or coffee only was the option, and still managed to prep my day job and any extraneous work I had for my primary extracurricular client who were doing 6 weekends coming up . it was looking to being a great year for me with all of the gigs. Time to dig further out of debt after a previous debacle with a band cancelling a substantial amount of touring that never came back. The true life of the freelance pall bearer. Tensions amongst us were palpable as we all followed the news which was certainly beginning to paint a grimmer picture than the powers that be in washington. Every cough and sneeze on the bus was answered with ‘corona’. Now, general rule of thumb is that a cold bus is a healthy bus, but there’s always someone that bucks that trend, and it is generally someone paying the bills so you hydrate and sleep naked until the problem is fixed with simply quietly fiddling with the temperature The merch guy was clearly concerned about contact with the public, the guitar tech was subtly sterilizing everything everyday. We got through California with little fanfare, virus wise, and made our way across the border and back with no great measures of concern other than what I was reading about Europe and my own situation at home , with my son’s school going remote preemptively until further notice. It was in seattle, where the reality in the united states started to hit home- pallets of PPE at kexp, empty shelves all the way up I5 of gloves/hand sanitizer/disinfectant wipes, and people fist bumping rather than handshaking, and a very noticeable drop off of attendance vs tickets paid. I had breakfast with one of the bosses at MRBIRM and we aired our concerns about the state of play, worrying that one of the top of the food chain artists would preemptively pull the plug on all of their performances thus scuppering company quarterly financial projections and sending me and my already reduced for 2020 out the door quicker than you can say ‘the optics move the needle’. When we hit boise, I spent a few hundred dollars at a whole foods on all of the hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes I could find. I spent the day with an old friend walking through town eating tacos and spilling the beans on our respective lives- mostly talking about teens, and hitting the local arthouse cinema to see ‘the rest of us’ a cool little indie film about blended families.. Connection and community, togetherness in the time of societal demise, something that was well apparent and building at an alarming rate pre pandemic. As Nietzsche said, ‘in music, the passions enjoin themselves’, the story of my life. Or one of them , at least. Wonderful shows in the mountain states, and the requisite kcmp ‘ the current’ session replete with a very ominous interaction with a st paul police officer- so charming to encounter some jack off in jack boots at 8am accusing the moroccan driver of a tour bus and the cracker tour manager, of some deeper crime than just parking the bus. funny how not long later , this municipality, showed their true colors for the whole world to see. this brought us to first avenue, now the vanguard leader of the NIVA coalition. We have sick people on the bus now, and 3 days of Chicago coming up. The corona paranoia on the bus is definitely a conversation, as we are seeing foreign shows and tours cancelling all over the board. The merch guy is seeing his whole year unravel with all of his post tour work going down the toilet. Now his health concerns are being exacerbated by financial worries. For most of us , February and march are the first bit of work we have had since October or November, the nebulous rainy day fund usually decimated by xmas evening, and emergency credit cards leaned on for everything from a milk to rent if you can advance cash. I for one, always love Chicago and get to spend the time with the people behind space Evanston and empty bottle presents/thalia hall. Jewels in the crown of this world. They are at once circumspect , and defiant. The shows are phenomenal, as Chicago is wont to be. Packed to the gills, singing along loudly at both shows. togetherness. wednesday march 11, thalia hall, where I am sequestered in a laundry room/production office, a very contentious company call goes down where I am one of a few people in the wrong on the current state of affairs. We have artists preemptively cancelling shows and venues invoking force majeure to do so on their own end. we have lost our anchor show in washington , dc and it seems as if new york and boston will follow. The writing is definitely on the wall, that the tour is soon to be cancelled, and that my time at MRBIRM is likely also coming to an end. It is a terrible feeling to know that you are staring down the barrel of a huge financial loss before you have even paid uncle sam his war money for the year. I do my best to get through the night, thinking we should just pack it in here and now. I spend the evening in the balcony with my cousin and her friend and keep an air of positivity to those outside our circle. The following day is march 12, a Thursday, and a day off in Detroit. The phone starts going at 8am , there are cancellations across the board on the latter half of the tour as local municipalities begin locking down. There are calls of apology on the content of the previous nights conference call. I wish these guys would realize that the good cop/bad cop doesn’t mean shit to me as I have been good and bad copped by real cops in 6 different languages on 4 continents in my lifetime. Its bullshit and frightening when your life and liberty are in the balance in a cold , dark room, and its laughable when your marginal livelihood is ping ponged in a conference call on cell phones that cut out every 30 seconds. Spare me. I spend the day doing budgets and revising budgets and talking scenarios through with the manager and the business manager and the vendors and the bus companies and crew people. I am up sending checks out and speaking with the artist. I am trying to figure out if I can go to a movie later. I am not a big fan of Detroit, so being locked into a very nice hotel room is not a big ask. Besides, the world is clearly going to shit. The artist coordinator is playing a blinder by purchasing everyone’s flight out of Detroit by Saturday am. There are very concerned meetings in the chiilis in the hotel lobby. It seems that i didnt get the invite, but i did get the chicken quesadilla. We decide to play the show at el club the following day, nd the bass player and I discuss driving to Nashville and then I make my way from there. Did I mention that his house was damaged by the renegade tornado and is currently unoccupied whilst Nashville is being looted? Good times. I continue to make budgets and shows continue to cancel. Calls go out around the globe to kick the tires on what is happening elsewhere. More quesadillas and fried food in the lobby chillis, more fruity drinks for the drinkers. Some of them head off to the casino nearby. I sit in my room and watch the world fall apart rapidly. I cannot buy a plane ticket as the nyc tickets are through the roof and I am worried about the airport being closed. I call my sons mother to let her know that I will be home for remote learning by Monday for the foreseeable future. I watch Gretchen whitmer break down the state of the state in Michigan . she is firm and in charge, and I feel like I am seeing a real leader in action here. By Friday morning , it is clear that the tour is over, and much of what I have booked upcoming , though not officially cancelled, is likely gone. My brilliant first half of the year is going down the toilet, and with that goes financial security and any debt clearance, not to mention family visits and any personal plans such as einsturzende neubaten in hamburg at elbphilharmonie , though it is yet to cancel, the writing is firmly on the wall. By the time we have cracked the trailer at el club, Detroit has been given a no public assembly of more than 100 and an 8pm curfew . tour over. I get the coordinator on the horn ripping through flight changes and rebookings and by4pm est, Friday march 13, everyone is rebooked and in the bus on the way to the airport or in the case of our tech , to Chicago. The bass player has renbted a car to drive to Nashville, and once I get the final greenlight that people have departed Detroit. I go down to chillis and wait. The vibe is bizarre, as all major sports are now cancelled, they are showing snooker and lawn bowling and minor league horseracing. There is some wild shit going on at the hotel bar- not quite 9/11 nyc pick up action, but i/ve never seen squares trying to get it on with mozzarella sticks as an opening gambit and I don’t know at this time that a chillis in downtown Detroit will be the last bar I am going to be in or that the bacon and eggs at the airport at 6am will be the last restaurant food for 6 months. Detroit airport is empty at 6am, everyone has made it home but the bass man and i. I get upgraded to first class. One cup of iceless club soda and 13 nervous passengers. I have not been on an airplane since then, and I fly anywhere from 40-120 times per year, depending on the client. Upon touchdown at laguardia, reality sets in further still. No one is there. Zero. I have thankfully found a friend to collect me at the airport, otherwise I would be walking the 10 miles. Not ideal at end of tour, and strange not entirely anomalous for laguardia. I spend the next 96 hours sleeping and stockpiling supplies. I do not go in for the hipster hysteria toilet paper binge. How much can two people shit? I am an equal opportunity logistics expert, I spread my custom around the neighborhood and I procure enough supplies to be locked in for weeks. The crock pot is on the go at all hours, water is hoarded, I expect to see tanks rolling down my block by march 20th as we are a truck block. The fear of the unknown is evident everywhere. Schools are closed on both coasts, and I am soon let go from MRBIRM with a small severance and a promise of a job when things return to normal. I ride out the severance time stupdily in hopes of keeping some skin in the game. Half of our artists bravely engage their fans from the safety of their phones. This is happening globally- if I never see someone in a fitted shirt singing earnestly into their I phone again, it is too soon. But how soon is now? Track and trace and social distancing and pivoting to the new normal. Catch phrases of the pandemic apocalyptic American era. Phrases that the 20th centurian that is I cannot embrace. I have resigned myself to long term unemployment . I have received all of the requisite grants for those in my industry. I have borrowed more money than I will be able to pay back in my lifetime based on the wages offered for the jobs that I have begun applying to . I have been encouraged to write books and open restaurants. I am the homeschool mensch for my reluctant scholar. I don’t leave my house except to buy food for weeks, maybe a lot of them. I read voraciously and write sporadically. I remain positive if only for those around me. For several weeks I check in on others via the telephone and check out mentally from reality if possible. Reality is too grim. I lose my health insurance but find affordable care that covers nothing. I try to imagine a new existence , we limp our way to the end of the school year, and my son leaves for the summer. I finally leave the neighborhood and spend several days on a boat in the rockaways . blm protests have been going on for weeks . I romanticize a life where I live at the beach. I wonder why no one encouraged me to be a garbage man with a good record collection and a pension after 20 years. People are dying and no one gets to say goodbye. The roadie retirement party is your funeral,as the saying goes. The kid is away, and I sketch up story Ideas and book ideas and spend too much time on social media. I cook and eat food and take pictures of it. I negotiate a friends with benefits arrangement that doesn’t feel beneficial but desperate, and not in the post 9/11 fuck anything that moves because we are all gonna die desperation, but more like defeated resignation. i miss my parents and worry about them in their different situations. An uncle dies of corona virus, but nationally it is a hoax to strip the right to go to Fuddruckers away from obese blow hards in the American outback. The government does nothing for no one but the 1%. The country is broken and I wonder why , after spending so many years out of it and having been married to a foreign national , I am not able to live elsewhere. But as a touring professional everywhere is fucked. I romanticize about doing a tour of the 28 countries that americans can travel to. I have never been to Burkina faso or Bermuda or Barbados or the Bahamas. That seems like an easy way to get to 54 countries and make 10 grand if only I can find an air guitarist versed in the putamayo box set. I am about to be 54 years old and and 50k in debt. There is no pretty picture to paint here. The kid comes home , quarantines , and then we go to the rockaways for a week. I wonder again what it looks like to live at the beach. The Californian in me begins to re roll the reels of my life. What if I had gone to the small liberal college in the town I had grown up in, what if I had dated that goth girl that dressed so well. She would have looked amazing in my too small jam t shirt in the morning when we ate breakfast in our underpants. What if I stayed working in the movie business and never left new Orleans. What if, what for, what now? A large bill from the irs arrives from 2018. My accountant says that they are reprocessing hundreds or thousands of old returns. I want to cry. I imagine myself living in a cardboard box. Suicidal ideation latenight is a reality. The tmj that had a disappeared after a year in late april is back. I read more books and watch more movies. I try to enjoy the lakers championship run. I wonder what is wrong with 50% of this country and basically the entire government. I stress eat, and buy cheap chinese exercise equipment on amazon with money raised from worthless indie rock memorabilia. It is all thrown in the trash after two weeks broken. I try to be a present parent and apply for jobs across the spectrum of mcjob land. I want something that pays 6 figures that stays at the office. I am in serious denial and try to sell myself as a renaissance man that is trying to stay out of the cave. I buy records that I don’t listen to with money I don’t have. I send books and cards and letters and films around the country. I try to remember the last time I slept next to someone and realize I don’t remember, or if I do I choose not to . I take continue to take pictures of food. I get a cat and talk to myself and call roadies on the phone and wonder if people are as fucked as I am . I write bullshit witticisms on facebook and look at pictures of mature italian or robust Brazilian girls on instagram. I am cursed with a keen memory so there is much to replay in the hours of introspection. I drink too much coffee now that the shops are open and refrain from killing the air kissing eurotrash slurping on each others macchiatos , maskless in front of me. I am the first person at the farmers market on Saturday and Sunday. I eat the rainbow, that is all I have left. I lesson to music from yesteryear and yesterday. I walk around the neighborhood dumpster diving and exchange text messages with people I have no intention of meeting. I apply to the post office and the sanitation department and mental health facilities figuring those jobs are correlative to the career I no longer have. 8 months of speculation and denial have now passed. I have done crunches and pushups and curls . I have rode bikes and swam and walked miles.i have done nothing better than anything. I think about alcoholism and addiction in general. I think of the seashore and salt water and sun kissed skin wet tangled hair and salty lips. I think of the front lounge of the bus at 3am and load in .at 12 noon. I think about all the things we do to span time in between. I think of my touring family around the world and wonder how many of them can’t get out of bed for days at a time for all the wrong reasons. I don’t think about tomorrow, but am very cognizant of next week and last year. Every Time some asshole without a mask meltdown on social media, I realize that is one more week we will not be doing our jobs. For every branch covidian that tests positive, is one more month. For every day these clowns run the country is one more week removed from doing our jobs, and in the possible event that they stay in power, I am under no illusion that life will ever be remotely reminiscent of the recent past. Fascists don’t like art, they prefer sheep, and if you’re not with them , you’re shoveling shit in some south Dakota frack shack and not calling house lights at Carnegie hall. Watching the American experiment unravel with every ounce of digital diarrhea spewed into the ether over the previous 3 weeks, is enough to drive any global citizen down the path of self crafted nylon necktie, or into a never ending cocktail of a ‘fuck this spritz’. the key is to stay positive, and remain negative. the answer is community and accountability. the goal is to eat the rainbow, and stay alive and thrive and maybe come out better on the other side.

Coke eyed junior

“dammit”, he yells, chopping up some more cheap Charlie off the ivory tusk on the dining room table – ‘only an ounce left’ , he announces to no one in particular. He leans down and blasts off, and takes in the bank of video monitors broadcasting everything from the lame stream media, to wildlife cameras outside to feeds from all of the bedrooms and bathrooms. “where’s the announce, it’s fucking Friday, time for the dump”. The announcement is that this disheveled dipshit cokey robber baron has tested positive for the corona virus, and he’s holed up in his cabin in the middle of god knows where. This joint is creepy , a mausoleum to murdered mammals and emasculated manhood. He wonders where is secret service stooge is, though he makes them sleep outside in his underground panic room. He has just seen his mistress , shillelagh Macarena, on the news owning that libtard Collins cunt from cnn. ‘I don’t answer to activists’ she says snidely before leaving the podium. That ear piece she wears is unseable. Alex jones’ tech team is sharp. He is pumped. “yeah shillelagh, I can’t wait to blast the fake flu all over you’ haha, but first more, i need some inspo before taunting the libs on twitter’ he says to no one in particular. ‘FUCK ALL THESE LIBS, FOUR MORE YEARS OF MY DADDY AND THEN 8 YEARS OF ME. HAHAHA. HOW THE FUCK DID I GET THE FUCKING KUNG FLU ANYWAY. MUSTA BEEN KIM, THAT DIRTY SUPERSPREADER. I CANT BELIEVE I LET HER BLOW CARSON. BUT FUCK IT. BUT FUCK IT? BUTT FUCK IT. HAHAH- HEY ALEXA REMIND ME TO BUTT FUCK HER THE NEXT TIME I SEE HER FOR GIVING ME THE KUNG FLU. HAHAH REVENGE IS SWEET, BABY. Snoooooort He lines up some more racket, ‘THIN BLUE LINES, BLACK LINES MATTER. HAHA, UNLESS THEY GIVE YOU COVID THAT FUCKING DIRTY DICKED DOOOFUS. HAHA DO IT FOR VAN JONES BABY….sniiiffff. THOSE MICHIGAN MOTHER FUCKERS BETTER DO THE RIGHT THING FOR DADDY. OTHERWISE WE ARE GONNA SIC THOSE BOOGALOSERS OR THAT PATSY TEENAGER LOOSE ON THOSE TWO LIBTARD LEZZERS UP THERE. GROSSE POINT BITCHES. HAHA. GOD BLESS AMERICA, GOD BLESS MY DADDY. GOD BLESS THIS PHARMASUICDAL GRADE GACK FRESH FROM THE DIPLOMATIC BAG THAT BILLY BOY TRADED FOR THAT FUCKING MEXICAN IN BROOKLYN’. He taps his nose a tad and focuses on the task at hand, the swastika shaped lines in front of him. He wonders if he should call shillelagh and face line together. SNOOOOORT, a big one, eyes watering. He looks up at CNN reporting that he has tested positive for the corona virus. ‘nothing like a Friday night news dump to take the pressure off the fucking ghouliani. These media pricks will eat shit out of a diaper if ya call it pudding, and feed it to the fucking people and call it steak. Haha. HEY ALEXA CALL PAPAJOHNS, he bellows, swigging from the luke warm can of coors light. HEY FUCK HEAD, WHERES MY PIZZA? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I AM THE FUTURE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD. WELL FREE FOR ME AT LEAST. WHERE IS THAT ACCENT FROM. HAHA. WHAT’S THAT? I CANT UNDERSTAND? I CANT STAND I STAND? LET ME SPEAK TO THE MANAGER, IN THE MEANTIME , GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM AND BRING ME MY FUCKING MEAT LOVERS AND 2 QUARTS OF DOCTOR PEPPER AND WHATEVER THOSE FUCKING ASSHOLES IN AVIATORS WANT LISTENING IN.” he hiccups and takes a long pull of the silver bullet and runs his finger along the tusk, swiping up residue from the last gram and rubbing it in his gums. “this is some pharmasuicidal grade shit’, he mutter. The phone rings, ‘shillelagh baby, what, the guardian wants a quote? What’s the guardian, your underpants? Haha . chill, huh, a libtard English paper? Is England still a country? You what? You want me to invade your country? Haha, I will babe, with a full ponzi division. Haahahaha, TELL THEM…….ER, I WILL BE CLEANING MY GUNS. NO GUNS, I JUST CLEANED MY GUMS WITH SOME SERIOUS PHARMASUICIDAL GRADE STUFF. YEP, THE DIPLOMATIC BAG. HAHA GO BILLY BOY. Snoooooort. What, you wanna clean my gun? I am gonna put my glock in your holster and pull the trigger til it goes click. YEAH. Snooort ‘Whats my dad saying, he hasn’t tweeted anything yet , and wont answer my calls or texts. He’s in the bunker? When can you come here? Tell my dad to send a helicopter for you. Wait , the doorbells is ringing, I gotta go” he rings off WHO IS IT? IVE GOT COVID, STAND THE FUCK BACK I AM ARMED. WHERE IS MY SECURITY. HEY ALEXA, FIRE MY SECURITY DETAIL AND GET ME IVANKA’S. He opens the door, and there are straw effigies of each member of his family strung up in the trees, including that trampsylvanian stepford mother and the half wit teenager. “That kid looks more and more like fucking Epstein every time I see him” he grunts. They are all decked out in orange jumpsuits and’ I love new york hats’. “ALEXA WHERE IS THE FUCKING SECURITY DETAIL?” HE screams to the November night. There is the papa johns at least. There is a note on the pizza box written in sharpie. It reads -I am from Kenya you inbred underread gacked out white supremacist super spreading coke monkey beardo. Can you understand me now? “Fuuck, Kenya, I knew that pizza making motherfucker sounded like mitch, this has his black hands all over it. And they

Friday, November 20, 2020

the golden stream

fly headed fuck faced fuck knuckle closet cases bidding for orange skinned straw haired elephantine tub of goo whilst goobers grab guns and dress post Halloween cosplay claiming poverty in 50k usd pick up trucks and mail order tactical gear flag waving flags of fallen despots and forgotten republics TWEET ON TWITLER you steaming pile of excrement wave those flags you look like heroes of the sandwich variety and yet fellow republicunt’s knuckle draggers dragging their feet to the podium to raise their black hands meekly in protest 2 at a time whilst the rest of them sit idly by or even support the current crop of coup cuck clan cunts plan need to be reminded that on the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Nuremberg trials these ding dongs should dangle in no uncertain terms the germs have infected the body politic and the goobers cry FOUL CAINT BE NO WAY FAKE NEWS SMALL CROWDS FUCK THE MEDIA LOCK THEM UP LOOK AT THE LAP TOP BIDEN CRIME FAMILY SHE/S PROBLY NOT BORN HERE HUGO CHAVEZ COVID’S FAKE MY RIGHTS SOCIALISM HAS TOO MANY SYLLABLES SO IT SUCKS LIBTARD CUCKS and great googly moogly how did we get here don’t answer and no I don’t want to get along with climate denying pocket lining gay hating kid caging carpet bagging knuckledragging election stealing pig squealing gun toting conspiracy floating black faced closet case pseudo religious pandering illegal gerrymandering thin skinned no lipped turkey necked disconnected creepers- glock em up not lock em up, we don/t have the space-let the ding dongs dangle let the general goobers grovel let the uber goobers glock themselves up a la bud on the senate floor for cspan and also rans to view and spew gas passing pussy grabbing twitler can go fuck himself and his kids on an OAN feed to his flock of seagulls cowed loud and proud Americano contestants of SURVIVOR DEMOCRACY and the cracker crust can continue to fail upwards and onwards as their constituents die horribly broke and alone MAGA

Thursday, November 19, 2020

do it for van jones, baby

she- She’s anxiously clutching her fake pearls, locked into the lower manhattan century 21 dressing room, stress eating stolen Olive garden butter pats, waiting for the manager so that she can complain about the fact that there are no red cashmere cardigans in her size, reluctant to purchase a blue one. Yet through it all, she is swiping right on any age appropriate white guy in her feed. Looking for a match, maybe, a temporary distraction from the bigger task at hand. Maybe dinner and an elevator grope. Maybe more. After all, there is a king sized bed and two fluffy robes. Heck, after all this in the last two weeks , maybe room service is the call. Are restaurants open? Is there room service? Do they have French fries? She needs to find someone that is Covid compliant, and covid free. Not that she believes in the kung flu, but she doesn’t want to get sick, nor does she want to get her Pomeranians or parakeets sick. Can you get the kung flu from a p arakeet? Yes , she cant get sick, she might not have health insurance come January. She swipes onwards, highlighting the fact that she’s traveling and staying in a sweet lower manhattan hotel room with a view of the 9/11 memorial. Somewhere someone will break shelter in place rule, to have a different kind of thanksgiving. God willing.
 He- Sitting in the bathroom of his ramshackle apartment, alone for the holiday week, and another childfree week thereafter. No time like the present to pursue a quarantine dream. Back on tinder after an 18 month break. The last time out , catfished by someone old enough to be his parent , and listed at 55. That restaurant had no back door , and she sat facing the door. An 8 year freak show, of catfish and lonely hearts. 8 years of back alley exits and bar stool disappointments. But hey, the promise of a new administration might bring new hope. Likely not, but hey. He has opened a new account, new photo and new profile. Uncle Fester /Anti fascist, and a picture of himself with a freshly shorn skull wearing a pair of size 18 leopard skin panties that he modified into covid compliant face protection. Maybe someone will see some humor here. Swiping in a pandemic and post election coup as a miserable and misanthropic unemployed middle aged miscreant is about as fruitful as applying for a job in a different field after 20 years dedicated to a profession that no longer exists. He needs someone with an imagination and sense of humor. But he is only swiping right on square suburban librarian looking types- the duck faced and yoga nazi types that are so pervasive in this milieu are a nonstarter. He is not even stopping to see if there are any mask free photos inside. He is speed swiping. Maybe there is someone covid compliant and alone for the holidays. Someone , like him, a little down, yet up for some type of end of the world adventure. What is there to lose?
 She- Well there ya go. Finally, she thought that her photo was cute. Freshly coiffed, new frames and a fresh facial for her meetings with tv and book agents this week. Eyes aglow, as she had just touched herself watching Bad Santa on tnt before snapping the photo. Her profile simple- Murphy/beltway and beyond/ looking for a little light in dark times. But here was her first match, her only match today since booting up here. And what of it- who is this weirdo uncle fester looking fella in a devo helmet. But that mask, so much better than some of these other jokers with their knicks and rangers masks. His mask looked like the panties that she had shoved in the secret compartment of her purse, to go with the teddy she’d gotten as a gift from the senator last week. Why hadn’t he called again? 
 He- Shit, a match, before he has even flushed. That never happens unless I swipe right on everyone. Blonde, age appropriate, wry smile, slick frames. Clearly not a cross fit kook or yoga nazi. And an out of towner to boot. It/s like the gatekeepers trifecta. As he is about to finish his business…..
 She- hi 
He- how/s life? 
She- complicated. Um, I am visiting for the week. You?
 He- nice. What doing?
 She- (sweating) looking for advdenture. Wanna meet for a drink or something?
 He- (fast acting, but hey, he hasn’t really been out of the house for a few days- what a walk around the block with a stranger). Um sure, why not. You move fast. Where are you? 
She – i/m usually very indecisive, but new city, new beginnings. i/ll be at century 21 in lower manhattan. Sweater section Dm me when you’re here. An hour or less, ideally
 He – er, ok, sure. See ya soon. Sweater weather.
 She – Huh?
 He- quick trip outta the pajamas and into a lyft to lower manhattan. Saturday afternoon. Silent as the crackers have hit the road for the holiday. Century 21, hell when was the last time he was there. Maybe some underwear modeling with an exotic dancer he was dating a million years ago. Definitely pre 9/11. What are you getting yourself into? And I guess given the last 8 months, who cares. 
 She- looking at her watch, hoping that this bald weirdo is not too much of a creep, but then again who cares. Her life will never be the same again, regardless. Up here in new york hiding in plain sight is just plain right. Who cares what these mean people want.
 He- dm’s here from the lyft pulling up, and she says to meet her at the registe
r. She will be wearing a blue cardigan, Smithsonian mask, blonde hair, black frames, 5’6, rubenesque. She- oh there he is on the escalator. Old , flat cap, beat up leather jacket. He looks like some rough trade. Hell, he looks like a cab driver from old movies. Remember, hiding in plain sight. She suggests the hot dog cart outside. He laughs and says sure.
 He- the hot dog stand. Why not, it’s a chamber of commerce day. he asks her if she wants to go to staten island and the ferry. She says she doesn’t like ferries. How about they go to her hotel which is right there, to drop her shopping off. To the hotel it is. He hopes that she doesn’t ask too many questions about 9/11 or too many stories. He doesn’t want to go into his philosophies on that has histories’ ultimate false flag event. He/d rather keep it light and see what happens. 
 She – she invites him up, she tells him that shes covid free, btw, and he says he is too. In the empty elevator she presses up against him close and removes both masks and kisses him firmly . she tastes coconut oil, he tastes butter. They kiss all the way to 26th, and stop and laugh and get off and walk to her room.
 He –wowzers, she tastes like butter. And hot dogs. And that’s kinda hot. We/ve got a live one here, he thinks. God bless the suburbs, this is shaking out like that afternoon at the times square hojo’s a lifetime ago, without the day drinking or coke hangover 
 She- well for a funny looking fool, he’s a good kisser, and he tastes like coconut, and hot dogs. She wonders whether there are still macaroons in the room
 He- there are shopping bags everywhere, and takeout containers. He guesses that there is limited hotel services. He wonders if there is room service. He wonders if they have French fries. He hasn’t had French fries in nearly 9 months. She seems very preoccupied, mumbling something when they aren’t playing tonsil hockey, which has resumed against the window overlooking the 9/11 memorial. He wonders what it would be like to fall out the window on to the street below. He wonders who would take his records and spread his ashes on the back side of catalina island. Then he realizes that he has paid his rent early and can he cease the thought of falling out the window and death in general. 
 She- she throws her phone on the night stand and looks at this reptile of a man and wonders if this is how it all ends. He doesn’t seem like a psycho, but who does at first. She remembers that lobbyist in that falls river hotel on election night and her neck still hurts. Well eff him. New beginnings. She roots through all of the shopping bags and finds what she is looking for, pulls it out, throws it over to her future ex paramour, and says ‘put this on, i/ll be right back’ 
 He – holy shit, she has thrown him an uncle sam costume, and tells him to put it on, and kisses him firmly on her way to the bathroom, she says that she will be right back. Oh dear, what has he gotten himself into. There is still time to leave as she has disappeared with two bags to the bathroom and is humming what sounds like a billy joel song . he laughs and quickly disrobes into the uncle sam costume. He remembers a time where something comparable happened in a south williamsbiurg tenement where the bombshell brunette he/s been eyeing up for months took him home and made him wear a santa claus costume. He wonders what happened to her. He wonders what he is going to do for Christmas this year. He wonders if he and this woman will have a rendez vous in a month with different costumes under different circumstances. He wonders whether she is a white meat person or a dark meat person.
 She- peels off her clothes, she is sweaty, and feels ripe, but she doesn’t care. She puts on the stolen leopard skin panties and the too small I heart new york t shirt and statue of liberty crown, opens the bottle and takes a big swig. And it burns badly, but it is today, it is merely one piece of the puzzle.
 He – sees her come out the door with leopard skin panties that look like his tinder profile picture face covering. She is wearing a $5 I heart new york tshirt, too small, a pearly necklace, a stature of liberty crown, and is swigging from a bottle of wild turkey 101. She asks if he wants some. He wonders if she is talking about the bourbon. 
 She- he says he wants some, but not the bourbon. Happy thanksgiving she says, I guess i/ll have cold turkey then. Not yet you will. 
 She- shouting, FUCK ME UNCLE SAM, FUCK ME LIKE A SENATOR, and reaches for her phone , scrolling and swearing under her breath
 He- ruminating, like a senator? That is a loaded statement, aren’t most of these senators older than god, queerer than Christmas, and always above the elbow on the first date? He decides to roll with it, quietly hoping that she is not going to play any billy joel, unless it is the piano man. He likes that one. 
 She- she has dragged this uncle sam clad uncle fester in the sack and they are officially doing the jobbie , she has stopped screaming at him, she has got the number queued up in her phone. The only music is the rhythm of two strangers having awkward sex in a dirty room in an empty hotel at the arse end of manhattan in the last days of the American experiment. Desperate and alone, they are having fun. 
 He- he thanks someone that she didn’t play we didn’t start the fire, though he laughs that feels like what they are doing. This has to go done as the greatest tinder date of all time. The crown is on the floor and the pearl necklace make him think that he would also like to give this wildcat a pearl necklace of her own, but focuses on the task at hand as he continues to push into her from behind at her insistence. She begins chanting something in a repetitive fashion, something he has never heard in sex before and he has heard some funny shit. It begins to become more audible. Yes, she says , yes, yes, yes. She reaches for her phone , and pushes a button. Again he hopes that it is not more billy joel, but that keeps him going. 
 She – yes, she says, and as she hits the dial button and the speaker phone whilst this coconut smelling creep in an uncle sam costume pushes into her from behind she’s nearly there, breathing harder, yessing rhythmically, waiting for the ring , waiting for the voice on the other end- certify, she says, certify certify certify CERTIFY CERTIFY, as the phone picks up, the familiar voice that has been harassing her for months and sending threats, but she has this all on record through a conference line to all pertinent parties- BAD LINE- CERTIFY – CERTIFY- CERTIFY- RELEASE ALL OF THE FUNDS. The gasps, laughing lasciviously. Screaming all of the above once more, for all on the call to hear.
 He- laughing his ass off, release all of the funds? That’s definitely a new one, though it certainly feels like she’s released all of her funds as he releases his. He hopes she doesn’t high five him. He hates when that happens. They collapse on separate sides of the bed, both breathing hard. She starts fiddling with her phone and then the remote, seemingly ignoring him. 
She- she looks over at him and reaches over with her free hand and gently pinches his forearm, as she flips the channels looking for a news feed. Here she is in the media capital of America and she can’t find anything but honeymooners and Seinfeld repeats. She wants to complain to the manager, but she wants to see herself on the news first. She wants her costumed compadre to leave, if only to go get more hot dogs, but she wants to see the news. And there it is.
 He-. He watches her clutching her pearls, sniffling, watching CNN. he wonders if he should say something. He wonders if he should leave He looks at the idiot box himself and then back at her. Holy smokes. He just had sex with the second most reviled person in America, and it was awesome.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Two hander

Can my fellow neighbors on the left of the aisle chill the fuck out for a minute? Rome wasn’t built in a day, and Orange Julius didn’t burn it to the ground on the way down like now. There’s a million things I’d love nothing more to see than the ding dongs dangling and some government loot to see us through this shite, but the hand wringing and mud slinging already poisoning the well of hope are enough to make me wanna puke. The left continue to eat them selves, they always do. And ya know , anyone arrested right now will be pardoned before January- likely in a late night Christmas news dump, and anyone arrested post inauguration will be spun as purely political. They should al l be eating baloney wrapped dick sandwiches, but calmate’. Due process and false hope. Expect congressional gridlock and back channel head scratchers above your standing desk jockeys pay grade. Watch a movie, read a book, listen to a record tune out the noise,eat the rainbow , hug your spirit animal, if only for a day. It’s politics, it sucks. It took Obama nearly a year just to get the ACA passed. We just really have not had much politicking beyond the partisan polemical variety for a while. And that’s provided the carpet baggers leave without taking the light fixtures with them. Imagine the mess in the Lincoln bedroom after 75 days of OAN, cocaine and chick fil a. Remember that none of these creepers care about their legacies since they are raking in the Benjamin’s and drinking in the power punch. Turkey neck McConnell and his reptile handler broad are richer than god, that graham cracker doesn’t care about shit so long as his offshore accounts are current and he can dream about being the lockerroom attendant for the Clemson football team, Rubio and cruz can spin their false narratives about being an NBA point guard or the singer of the dead kennedys til the cows come home(or in their face), the ding dong family have skimmed and scammed enough to keep em in Cheap Charlie and cheaper suits til the next grift comes along, all the low level schmoes have probably taken the bidding bribes and think that if half those chuckleheads in the inner circle can get a job there’s always room on the broom for another no rent race baiter, Miller got a wife out of the deal- more than even his mom could’ve imagined, pompeos eating bacon sandwich on the westbank and picking up Bibi’s bodyguards for a proper end around the Geneva convention, Barr has signed a deal to be Roseanne’s stunt double at the circus circus buffet line. It’s just plain pokey . Mnuchin has flipped the spelling of his last name and is set to reinvent himself as a salty white turd like snack, the vp can finally cash in his chits and take his talents to south bend and buy himself some two way mirrors and a cross fit gym, and wee shillelagh Macarena has proven herself such an adept shite spewer she’s been hired as a 3 prong outlet in some South Dakota frack shack . The whole damn lot of em can take the covid cruise from the White House to the shite house and not a moment too soon. I can’t sleep, my teeth hurt, and I’m tired.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

plowed buoys

Woven into the tapestry of contemporary life is 400 years of endemic racism on full display on the streets of Washington , DC on saturday. The wurst and the whitest wilding away like a gaggle of gacked out and drunken teenagers on $5 carload night at the local drive in. Fuck or fight with no fucking in sight. Boogalosers. The dumb and the feckless. Call em what you will, they are everywhere. Of course, there were no open carry issues that I could see in the shared videos on the socials, just the low hanging fruit of the hangry white male marauding their way moronically through the streets of the nation’s capital, violently engaging with whomever they choose. To be fair, I was not on the ground, and it certainly seemed as if my side of the aisle were by no means blameless, but the goobers gone wild were like seagulls on a sandwich anytime they could isolate individuals. Gut in , gut out. The neck beardos run amok. And the police, welp- didn’t seem to be as .. interested in wilding on the white boys , as much as we have grown accustomed to seeing- no tactical gear, no water cannons, no tear- just random arrests of teenagers. But what do I know, I wasn’t there. These are my opinions based on a legion of shared videos on social media platforms and eyewitness accounts, and the very well documented recent history of blue by day white by night shite> whilst the future ex teletubby twaddles away from the safety of his golf cart stoking the unrest, the left should not take the bait , but if they do, they need to accept the consequences. People are going to get hurt and die- ignorance and fear, the currency of autocracy. I commend the kids for defending their communities- the young, local and masked up, with an element of black bloc, it seemed- versus the wurst and the whitest, the violent and maskless- a legion of hied up and hateful step dads and dodgy uncles come to the big city to wave their racist freak flags. Their mission statement simple- ‘we are ignorant white , male and scared, we are the witless women who love them, we are scripted soundbites and bilious bs, we hate you, any and all of you, from our $50,000 pick up trucks. We are rats on sinking ships fighting over the last pieces of cheese. We are puppets in our actions and ideals , whilst the machine pulls our strings. We are frightened feckless eejits, and we are everywhere’

Friday, November 13, 2020

aunt aoife and uncle charlie

we watch the Baseless accusations leveled in every direction, like the sophomore spaghetti cooking technique- if it sticks, it’s on. We are watching a toxic relationship coming to an abrupt and public end. The thanksgiving we all dread , when the noisy upstairs neighbors come by to implode during the cheese and cracker course, hurling everything at each other and all, the spaghetti on the wall. How much more of this malarkey do we have to take. As much as this seems to be little more than petulance and preemptive pardon posturing, it is profoundly unsettling as a citizen of the world to witness this litany of gacked out blabbermouths continuously flood the plains with shit, and the media and the goobers and the lefties and the losers, eat this shit up like ants on a log. We are witnessing the speed freaks midnight ramble. The general disdain for decorum is testing my intolerance. I want to scream ‘when is this movie over? Why did you bring me to this bruce willis and mel Gibson dickhead double feature? What did I do to deserve this, besides being born 50 odd years ago in this neoliberal wasteland and not having the good sense to marry that au pair I met at downtown Beirut in 1987, or push the emigration envelope on my own real life future ex marriage. If antifa is such and active and virulent movement ,(in the words of the withering and wanking ruling class and the teletubbies that worship them) where are they now? My guess, eating pirate booty , watching Netflix, trying to stop the spread of covid whilst watching the national tantrum play out. Kicking back and taking names, and writing a living will. Hell hath no fury like an activist who has been scorned. Instead, we wait for the coup cucks clan to receive their marching orders from the Peruvian marching powder puffs. We wait for the proud buoys and police to pillage, to bloody the urban battlefields with their overfunded and overfed fascism. we wait for the next talking head to spew their lies on the idiot box or from the safety of their internet bunkers- keyboard warriors of the new millennia race baiting and straight hating their way through the day. we wait for paid off twitler, the future ex child in chief, to spout his inane invective 140 characters at a time. We wait for the end of the world. We wait for restraint. We wait to hit em where they ain’t.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

police blotter

two unidentified individuals were dragged shackled and disheveled from a dingy and downmarket double wide somewhere between homestead and key largo. Exact location not being divulged at the time of going to press. The male suspect is described as 6 foot , 300 lbs, of failing health and a brown afro style wig dressed in flip flops, a dirty wife beater, and something ine between a sarong and an adult diaper. The female individual , 30’s, slender frame, dyed black bob, and an ‘izevestia’ tattoo on her tail bone was arrested in a bikini only. Inside the externally broken down double wide was a modern A/V system, multiple burner cel phones, weeks worth of fast food containers, a reinforced king sized bed, gold spray painted bathroom, and a large mirrored dog carrier bolted to the walls and floor. There is what appears to be a fortified outbuilding outfitted for drug cooking of some capapcity , and a rough helicopter landing pad cut into the sugar cane nearby, with a wide pedestrian path and motion senser lights along the path. Miami- dade record search of ownership shows no discernible ownership. Authorities were tipped off to the unusual circumstances by a Venezuelan uber driver who had made multiple 1 way runs to the property with what he surmised were Eastern European escorts bearing carloads of fast food and suitcases. The two individuals are being held without bail on multiple of charges at Metrowest Detention center until their identities can be determined.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

coup day trois

lying in bed, spooned

and freshly fucked, we embrace
for the first last time

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

age doubt

At 53 years old, my career pivot opportunities in the current political climate revolve around the words of the late great chick hearn. ‘you have two chances here, slim and none.’

Monday, November 09, 2020

lawn junkies

Junkie Jesus jams along on his pee wee herman whip. A vast improvement over last week/s tireless tire free ground down stolen beater. New York adorned in greasy denim, steel studded and American flag festooned- a mad max remake for the millennium, bearded and bedeviled. I expect nothing good to come from his proximity. I see junkie jesus’ encampment on the side of the road, arms flapping wildly like a gacked out squeegeeman sans squeegee, haranguing the queens bound motorists at the vandervoort light. The guy clearly needs help, disappears for days or weeks, and is back with a new bike and more madness. Junkie jesus is not alone. Were it just him, there could be a modicum of forgiveness and empathy, but there are a coupla other junkie jerk offs- squirrelly manson and hitching post Malone- so named for their resemblance to the California crazy hippie and the job stopper syled pop star. And they fight and they mug and they light fires and they flee. It/s like there is a little junkie army thieving their way to a stoop side fix. my stoop, nein danke. And yes we are in an opioid epidemic and my nimby liberal self should be more sympathetic to the general lack of well being for fellow man, and yes , as a father of a boy, I do often wonder where and when it goes wrong. And certainly as someone that has done all of the drugs, there is a semblance of sympathy, but I don’t like junkies. And the particular blend of modern primitive street urchin suburban outcast types that can head home to hazelton with one collect phone call, the haight street dog on a string marin county post apocalyptic skin poppers- fuck em. I mean, how do you when a junkie uncle is out of jail? When the windows are broken and the twinkies are gone. So junkie jesus bugs me, as do squirrelly manson and hitching post Malone. I see em skulking around screaming trying to sell stolen shit, as I collect their needles from the planter in front of my house or the the outdoor latrine of a neighbors. We/ve had junkies around here before, but they kept their smack a doodle do’s(and don/ts) to the back of the chevy or a local living room floor. These junkie jokers are of a different ilk, and have currently burned all the bridges, and need to sell things other than their ass, but I don’t want to buy my bike back, nor do I need to watch some reptile banging up on the next door neighbors porch , or behind the metro card machine. Not a big fan of shit dodging my way down the avenue either, I/ve spent time sleeping rough in Amsterdam, watching the weirdness in that darkness before dawn. So get over it old man, these people need help. Times are tough out here. Agreed, but weekly dissertations on the perils of drugs to an impressionable young teen as we navigate the shit and the needles and the street hassle on the long block on the walk to the train is not my strongest material. Hell there is an open air drug market 200 yards away, with every jailbird junkie and short eyes speed freak and closet crack head itching and scratching their way all hours of the day. It/s like a movie, that sucks.

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Not the onion

I am still trying to process the 4 seasons landscaping lark. I mean, was the entire legal team (glory) holed up at the jack shack next door with some Eastern European kinder porn, and it was the easiest way to Mic them up? You gotta admit that most of these chuckleheads can make a convincing audition for the role of mr groper In the x rated remake of 3/s company. Was borat the intern that Jared tasked with the job of the 4 seasons hotel? I mean I am aware of a tour manager that took the band to Newark, rather than the venue on Newark avenue in jersey city . Stuff happens, but this is a little too much for even the onion. Is it arrogance or stupidity? Can we get a downfall redo of Rudy in the jackshack when he figures out he’s got no tokens left and he has to go fight the bad fight on National television in a parking lot in industrial Philadelphia in the blaring sun FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO WATCH? In a lifetime of “not the onion” shares, this is perhaps the most quare of them all. That poor intern bundled up in the back of an suv and sent to The senator from South Carolina’s belt way motel room to play a rather convincing game of “fish and short eyes” with nary a toothbrush in sight. What a world.

Saturday, November 07, 2020

curb appeal

Let's face it, i am about as good at relationships as the average american is at driving stick. Unlike the average American, though. I can adeptly get it to speed, navigate traffic, maybe struggle on a hill or two, but generally competent. Or was. But it/s the process of getting it to cruising speed and maintaining the steady pace that I find most difficult. I have to corner hard, down shift haphazardly, and throw in a handbrake turn on the ice before the car finally ejects me. I can/t just drive the thing like a sensible citizen. I have to abuse the mechanics until the car can take no more. Now , of course, the average American plugs in their automatic prius or sensible sedan and coolly and calmly goes about their business. Going from point a to point b, and skirting the stick shift. Slow and steady wins the race. Instead, I test drive when , and where and however possible. Cognizant of the mechanical foibles of these cars- the balky clutch, the slipping transmission, the noisy exhausts, and errant drivers seat springs popping through the upholstery- rev em up and watch em go, run em hard and run em down, or just drive hard and walk away. Hell , a poorly cleaned rearview mirror or overstuffed trunk and that’s enough to pull hard to the side of the road, engine running, and walk away. Funky vehicles with well known foibles are the embryonic and ephemeral dalliances of the day. I seem to think that I prefer to drive the perfect car to maximum speed and self sabotage, rather than respecting the hustle of the quirkier cars. Anymore, I don’t even wanna do anything but admire the cars on the street or on a website rather than take for the most harmless . Too scared of stalling out going from second to third, or breaking down on the highway to even open the door or put the key in the ignition. Why not take a step back and admire, and gently ease into gear, slowly getting to know your ride, looking out the dirty windshield rather than obsessing over the rearview mirror, frantically adjusting . Just focus ont eh road ahead, and ease away from the curb. You just might make your destination.

Friday, November 06, 2020

clone wars

Is there anything more life affirming than witnessing a couple , that look and dress exactly the same, have a very public break up. It is as if all of that quality quarantine couple time spent practicing practicing your lines in the bathroom mirror have come to fruition whilst your significant other is on the couch instagramming to their soon to be broken hearts content. How best to recall the requisitely rehearsed facial expressions under the guise of your recently purchased ‘vote’ mask.whilst keeping to the well rehearsed script? The practiced breaker upper is hoping for full dramatic effect in hopes of leaving nothing to chance. They hope that the break upee will embark upon a 5 borough drunk or an upstate microdosing wiccan ceremony at their friends recently renovated airstream. The breaker upper needs time at home to sort through the tangle of Lululemon gear strewn around the apartment. They need time to not hear begged forgiveness or insolent moping in ear buds. I mean , anything is better than another of mansplaining or manspreading or anymore wellness gobbledygook or ayahuasca assurances from the future ex other half. 8 months of being locked in under conditions and behaviors that would send military leaders to the Hague. Honestly, if you have to eat ‘grandmas Dorito casserole’ or cook M and M muffin top pancakes one more time, let alone another bruce willis movie or Real Estate album, you are going to go postal in the traditional sense. You thought that your party trick was that nurses uniform from your first date and putting it into play. How were you to know that the break upee would rather be intubated by the taller of the two nude Slavic cleaner’s considerable endowment. The breaker upper replays scenarios from early quarantine and pandemic summer and wonder if they are the problem. The yoga pods and socially distanced cupcake circles and bootleg celebrity tantric sex tapes, but fuck it. They can find nothing wrong with wanting to play words with friends on the toilet for hours, rather than playing active shooter video games. This is all for the better and greater good. The break upee is a serial monogamist with a trust fund the size of east texas. They will be fine in the end. They will find another twin to downward dog with and emotionally embalm. The breaker upper can take their talents to the south slope and new zoom fitness friends and a different degree of existential effluvia. Imagine the new bumble bots with prospect park as a neutral zone. When is the break upee going to return from wherever they/ve gone off the 24 hours rails? You need this apartment devoid of succulents and Pomeranians and indie rock paraphernalia pdq. You wish that they’d taken the Pomeranian on their peregrination and fed it to the coyotes or traded it for something useful like an airmattress. They better not come back with covid as a parting gift. we managed to make it this far and you dont want that pipe cleaner shoved up your nose. You need to decouple completely, and some new digs. It is a renters market afterall.

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

morning after the night before

A. It’s not over B. If you’re incredulous at where we are, drive across the country sometime. C. Maybe the 538 should stick to pta elections, because I’m tired of hipsters and fellow left of the aisle dwellers quoting 538 tweets as gospel for the last 5 years. In my life, instinct over analytics in politics. The opinion of a think tank who’ve never been on food stamps or been outside their bubble besides a fucking silent retreat in Marfa doesn’t mean shit. D. If you want a participation trophy for voting , remember that people kill each other for the right to vote in much of the world. Also if people feeling disenfranchised would’ve voted or voted pragmatically in 2000, 2004, 2016, we might be in a better place. E. If as a society we continue to deify ignorance and stupidity ( I.e. reality television and the like ) and demonize poverty and social diversity , nothing changes. F. Money power racism xenophobia greed fear misogyny homophobia lather rinse repeat G. All of the above

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

past and present

4 years ago Matt Littlejohn Dylan Kerbrat and i were on tour with primal scream , a top group of folks to span time with. We had a pretty seamless check in at Sfo on a cold November morning. We were cautiously optimistic that we would go to bed later that night with the first female president in us history. (And a replacements fan as a vp). As we changed planes in dfw, east coast media were predicting a Clinton victory. By the time we disembarked in Mexico City, a scant 3 hours later, a trump victory was pretty much in the bag. We were all shell shocked. Hippy barry and I were summarily brought to secondary inspection and raked over the coals and fined for whatever reason. I blamed my passport and birth country . The van ride to the hotel was a sense of shocked disbelief, no more so than us 3 americanos. Most of the group went out for an evening of epic proportions, Mexico City style. Matt and I texted and I know that the 3 of us fielded calls and texts and emails from far flung friends who were processing the situation a little less pragmatically. Matty and Dylan are two of the most positive road folks I know, I am glad I was able to be with them that day, and that particular band as well. We had the greatest Mexican breakfast the following day and an epic show that night, a blistering version of “swastika eyes” accompanied by 2000 Mexican kids chanting “fuck trump” at volume. We continued onwards through South America, lucky to have friends on the same festival circuit to confide in and commiserate with. We got by with a little help from our friends. Regardless of the results of this election, we will need one another more than ever moving forward.

wistful thinking

Time now to pony up, Americanos, and do the damn thing right. Time to flush the four year turd down the gilded bowl. Time to take out the family trash. Time to bundle the whole damn circus up in a cheap cotton/poly blended blanket it and chuck it into the river- East, Potomac, Raritan, Hudson- I am not particular. I am an equal opportunity cleanser. It is time to own up to our collective mistake. The failed racist vision of a future forlorn. Time to turn off, tune out , and drop in . kick the tires for real on your friends and family, they might not be doing great. It is also time to genuinely lock them up. Every last carpet bagger, pussy grabber, snabler, grafter, sycophant and thieve. Time to scour society of white collar slime. Time to grab the wall street bull by the horns and the balls and twist that beast into compliance. There is no more time to waste on what if and next year and what now. It is time to show ourselves and our kids and the world that all is not lost. That is how we do, at least as new Yorkers, we look after one another. Or we did to some extent, until we didn’t, but maybe we can do now. Though the division seems it could not be greater today than I can certainly remember, but let’s hope for a come to jesus moment as a city or a society. Like Debbie harry said, dreaming is free.

Monday, November 02, 2020

remembering mika vainio

I first met Mika and Ilpo in the winter of 1997. Panasonic were the poor unfortunates to support the Swans final tour throughout Europe. They were the perfect foils for the chaos surrounding the rest of the tour. Stoic and observant, and not without a few well aimed zingers, they quietly went about their job setting the table for the brutal onslaught that was to follow, often sound checking after doors opened, banished to some central European broom closet disguised as a dressing room, taking it all in. I did a run around the USA with them, chasing Trans Am and The fucking champs, if memory serves me correctly. That tour was a hoot, a music lovers dream, and something that doesn’t happen very often anymore- a well packaged tour of like minded individuals spelunking through the North American to the delight of discerning music fans for a respectable entry fee. The fellas seemed to love it, the vast open space and big sky, the miles and miles of nothingness at times, the hours of silence in the van on long drives punctuated abruptly by a heavily accented ‘turn that shit off”, as I listened to a minor league baseball game in the Dakotas, or an even darker request for cream soda, when a talk radio program revealed that it was the was drink of choice of the two columbine shooters, as we passed through wyoming heading west. I appreciated the Finns dark and dry wit, the breadth of their knowledge about the ways of the world, and their interest in culinary adventure. So naturally I was pleased when Paul Smith asked me to head out on a long talked about trip around the world in early 2001. It had been germinating for some time and almost happened before some adventurous locals absconded with all of the details a year or so prior in the shape of Paul’s laptop from his home in west Cork. Thanks to the Finnish Arts Council, or some entity as such, we were to head on out from Barcelona ,where the boys lived, and traverse the globe, playing essentially anywhere that agreed to billet, feed , and water us with some cash considerations- all booked through an ad in Wired magazine. Knowing the bands sense of adventure and highly evolved knowledge of culture, I felt we were in for a great ride. We met up with Paul in Barcelona to get an extended elevator pitch on the tour over some delicious Japanese food and fine beverages before fine tuning some logistics the following day or two. Mika did his best on more than one occasion to rid himself of his tour manager and sofa surfer at that time. Hey, I thought, he’s a private guy that likes his space. Who doesn/t? Leaving Barcelona with little fanfare for the lengthy trip to Singapore via London. We were 3 bon vivants out to traverse the world-they the artist and cultural ambassadors and me their minder and documentarian of sorts. We find out very quickly that there are sympathetic Finnish air hostesses everywhere. Sympathetic to airline anxiety and service patterns and insomnia and fear of flying and claustrophobia and solipsism. One or two Finnish air hostesses got us safely to Singapore some 20 odd hours later. We are greeted in the heat and humidity of equatorial asia by our lovely hosts who take us off to our hotel in what is clearly the red light district of some description where we can drop our bags and such and whisked off to a brisk dinner in one of the many food courts omnipresent in Singapore for some thoroughly adventurous fare. The show is not for a few days so we have some sight seeing and sleeping to do(which in some cases doesn’t really happen due to time change and climate and whatever other reasons), for hours we are all sequestered to our rooms- Ilpo racks up the room service, Mika with his headphones and insomnia. We meet the Finnish Ambassador and get photos with angry orangutans. They play a gig in the upstairs of a coffee house that is so loud and and with such low frequency that a window breaks and I have to expunge the poison from both ends simultaneously. We get drunk and go back to our rooms and don’t sleep. We fly to Australia. The guys are left to their own devices somewhat, as we are staying separately. We bus to Bondi Beach and we lose Mika to the rip currents and he is rescued by the life guards. We all get sunburned in the Sydney sun. They play a massive show at Newtown RSL. Onwards to Melbourne, they are part of an experimental music festival. There are a lot of days off for the band to acclimate and enjoy the experience. They spend their time wandering through Fitzroy shopping and eating and enjoying the cooler weather. The Melbourne show is also epic, I remember Oren Ambarachi playing- he was one of our hosts. Off to the overnite flight to Auckland, flight is delayed further and I was detained upon arrival for every reason under the sun. After 5-6 hours, they bring the band back in After they’ve worked their way through al of the duty free. Under continuous questioning, they do not speak any English whatsoever. The immigration officials ask me how I communicate with them. ‘point and gesticulate’. Did I mention that all of these shows are done under the radar? As the promoter has put the 3 of us in single room, we remind them of the ‘comfortably housed clause’. We scatter, New Zealand is our shortest stay, and my 8 hours in custody is not helping matters. There will be no sight seeing here. We all go to eat amazing food and drink incredible wine, there is an art opening. By the time I get back to the hotel the next morning there are piles of room service oyster platters outside of Ilpo’s room , and the sound of rockabilly from Mika’s. I wonder if any of us are sleeping. Gig goes great, in some repurposed Greek orthodox church. Next stop South America. Auckland/l.a./lima/Santiago for some steak ceviche and wine . We move to Easter Island, almost the whole purpose of the trip- turns out I have a friend who has a friend that worked for Lan Chile, and who is the daughter of the local archeological expert. We swim , eat fresh tuna 3 times per day, visit monuments, drink pisco in cowboy bars, and admire the scenery. The travelling seems to be getting Mika down, that and the fact that Ilpo and I are staying out all night and coming home with the roosters, probably making more noise too. After a week in paradise or so, we head to Buenos Aires. Pretty amazing to be in Buenos Aires, we are staying in centro cultural in recoleto- there is tango outside the window at all times. The guys meet some Russian artsist in residence, and we are hosted by a young model turned celebrity chef and fed and watered in her fine establishments until show day. Argentina is heaven, I can see us all relaxing a little bit with our own space and the Spanish language everywhere. The gig happens in the museum of wine- no one has been able to find this joint on each subsequent trip, I assume it is in Palermo. Buenos Aires to Mexico City to Tijuana. We stop in mexico city for some tequila and tacos and staring at the ceiling. The hotel is a real flop, and I remember being kinda scared for the first time travelling. We are merely spending the night before going to tj for a gig hosted by the Nortec collective folks. These people are the best, it is the beginning fo the Tijuana renaissance. We go to an artshow in a disused cinema whose marvelous deco foyer is intact and the whole cinema itself is roofless and floorless but for the back wall. It is somewhere between a parking lot and a drive in theatre without the cars. Just hundreds of beautiful people drinking and smoking and enjoying the night. The nortec folks take us to the beach and show us the stupid border wall that rus out to the ocean. We eat oysters and drink beer in preparation for the show. The gig is in the members bar of the old jai alai stadium. There are people from san diego across the border. The gig is so loud and droney that windows break again. Probaly one of the wildest shows I have ever been to. Off to the usa for traditional touring, we drive across the border to san diego airport and fly to san Francisco. I have to double as Mika for some photo shoots as we had the same haberdasher and barber at that point, I just merely turn my back to the cameras. I remember shows with Mogwai and driving across a cold and grey Canada and sleeping in Saskatoon. I remember driving 1200 miles in silence at 120 mph at times. They blew the p.a. at Lee’s Palace and stayed on mad dogging the promoter and drinking the rider whilst I watched shane mcgowan downstairs. They played in a type of frat house for tech folks at Princeton and blew the roof off of the mercury lounge in new york city. I remember going through immigration at Toronto and the band being recognized by a sympathetic guard. The American stuff all blended in together. It was the end of a very long time touring in pre 911 world. Off to reykjavik for my last stop, we were back in the cold , back to familiarity for the fellas maybe. We went to the blue lagoon and dined in the exclusive restaurant in Iceland , with photos of global luminaries and the chef, who was our hosts father. They visited with Barry Adamson and the kitchen motor choir, and played an epic show at the national gallery. It was a long haul, 75, 000 air miles in all. I only saw Mika a couple of times after that – once at a gig in Dublin a few weeks later, and at a gig in berlin a few years later when I was working with suicide. Pansonic stole the show that night